Holistic Health & Beauty in Darien has the solution…
Book your 1st 90 min ELT session for the price of 60 min!
Click hereUse code: 1stlymph
This is an incredible $60 discount because we want ALL of you to experience this!
One of the best ways to stimulate the lymphatic system for overall health and wellness is our unique ELECTRO LYMPHATIC TREATMENT. ELT follows the principles and pathways of MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) using a gentle hands on technology that is more effective at stimulating deeper into the lymphatic system.
- 1 ELT = 8 MLD
- Microcurrent noble gas ionization technology
- Gentle hands on technology
- Stimulate deep lymphatic vessels
Conditions that benefit:
- General Detox & Wellness
- Autoimmune
- Compromised Immune System
- Pre & Post Surgery
- General/Systemic Inflammation
- Lyme Disease
- Cancer
- Lymphedema & Edema
- Fibrocystic Breast
- Pre & Post Athletic
- Enlarged Prostate
- Scars and more
Our lymphatic system is similar to our cardiovascular system but doesn't get as much attention. This is central to a healthy immune system! It is also instrumental in detox and removing waste from the body.
We need to care for our immune system not just to stay healthy and to better manage typical pathogens. We also need this for prevention and overall long term health and vitality. This a key tool in prevention of future illness and dis-ease.
Other reasons to give our lymphatic system some care and intention include reducing excess edema, recovering from injury (short or long term), pre and post surgery, AUTOIMMUNE, during cancer treatment and/or recovery, and so much more.
We have lymphatic specialists on staff extensively trained to offer you a unique Electro Lymphatic Treatment in 60/75/90 minute sessions. If you click below and use code 1stlymph you can schedule your first 90 minute session for the cost of 60 minutes. We like to spend more time on your first session priming and clearing stagnant lymph. Especially after a winter of cold and flu season like we have had lately!
And did you know this treatment is phenomenal for your face and sinuses? Whether you have lingering symptoms from a past respiratory bug, have allergies of any kind, or deal with sinus headaches or migraines, relief can be close by. It even brings some a beauty benefit. ;-)
Use code: 1stlymph to save $60!